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Kokkelstraat 13

3680 Reed


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Clean Water Global

A sustainable solution for purifying paint rinse water

Stop pollution from paint rinse water!

The painting sector and related industries still discharge paint rinse water contaminated with nanoplastics and heavy metals on a daily basis. Paint tools are often cleaned at the client or in the painting studio. The polluted paint rinse water ends up in the sewer system and thus in the surface water and drinking water.

Now is the time to act! Let us be the wake-up call for everyone: painters, paint stores, paint wholesalers and manufacturers.

Responsible business means that we care for people and the environment in every link of the painting sector.

Clean Water Global offers a simple, sustainable and financially interesting solution for purifying contaminated paint rinse water.

Be part of the global change and contribute to a clean planet!

Together we can limit the impact of painting on the environment

What is the size of the market?

The number of painting companies in the Benelux and Germany combined

How many liters of flushing water?

Number of liters of rinsing water that can be cleaned per week (assuming that 50% of all painters rinse and 50% continue to throw away)

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  • Clean Water Global offers an environmentally conscious, sustainable solution

    How does the Clean Water Global model work?

    Calculate +2% recycling contribution for CWG on the quote

    More and more consumers and customers want environmentally conscious, sustainable products and services. For the ecological processing of paint rinse water, painters can offset a 2% Clean Water Global contribution on the quote.

    Store paint rinse water in the empty paint bucket

    Do not throw away the paint rinse water, but keep it in the empty paint bucket.

    Take paint rinse water to a CWG collection point

    Clean Water Global works with painting companies, paint shops and paint wholesalers who collect the contaminated paint wash water.

    7 € for 10 L paint rinse water

    The CWG collection point charges € 7 per 10 L of paint rinse water.

    Clean Water Global collects the container with paint rinse water at the collection point


    To keep the ecological footprint as small as possible, Clean Water Global is always looking for the most environmentally friendly solution to collect the paint rinse water.


    Clean Water Global purifies the paint rinse water via a rinse and filter system, specially adapted for the paint industry. It is a cradle-to-cradle system in which the solid matter is separated from the paint rinse water. The recovered solid raw material is reused and the water is further purified into drinking water by biological filtration systems.


    Clean Water Global has an environmental permit and environmental certificate. This guarantees to customers that Clean Water Global meets strict environmental criteria.

    To ask?

    Read the answers to the most frequently asked questions here.

    • What does Clean Water Global do?

      Clean Water Global makes the paint industry aware of the consequences of water pollution from paint rinse water. To tackle this pollution, Clean Water Global offers a simple, logistical solution where everyone in the paint industry can contribute to a better future with very little effort and with a good return for all parties.

    • How exactly does Clean Water Global work?

      The Clean Water Global model is very simple.

    • Where can I buy products with the Clean Water Global formula?

      All Spray Paints products have the CWG label (see www.spraypaints.be). Other products and paints will follow soon.

    • How can I participate in Clean Water Global as a painter, paint shop, paint wholesaler or paint manufacturer?

      Everyone in the painting sector can (must) participate in Clean Water Global and thus contribute to a clean planet.

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